Benefits Of Two Way Immersion ProgramsBenefits Of Two Way Immersion Programs

• 1-to-1 and face-to-face lessons with native Chinese teachers • The length of the immersion program can be customized based on individual needs (minimum length is 3 days). • A student can start the immersion program almost anytime during a year (except Chinese holidays) that fits his/her schedule.

According to the Center for Applied Linguistics’ Directory of Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Programs. This leads to many benefits. The benefits of dual.

• Customized instruction based on each student’s individual needs • Visit historic and cultural sites (via day trips) guided by native Chinese teachers • Experience real life in China and be fully immersed into a Chinese language and culture environment • Attend selected cultural activities.

Based on Conversations with Dr. Bob Slater, Co-Director of American Councils Research Center (ARC) For decades, the American educational system has struggled to create equal opportunities for the rapidly expanding population of students whose first language is not English. Too often, these students fail to achieve the same level of academic success as their peers; and the majority of to support English Learners (ELs) have proved neutral, at best. Despite that more U.S. Students than ever are ELs, the achievement gap persists: Students who speak a language other than English at home are more likely to underperform in key subjects like reading and writing and less likely than their peers to graduate high school and enroll in college. However, parents, teachers, community leaders, and the schools themselves can advocate for an approach that may well empower both multilingual and native English-speaking students.

We believe the answer lies in. All students — no matter their native language — stand to benefit from dual language immersion programs. During the last decade, have demonstrated the significant cognitive benefits derived from early language learning, as well as the potential long-term educational and career benefits that multilingual students accrue. Further research has found between dual language immersion programs and academic success — regardless of a student’s native language. Now, with the culmination of of these programs in the Portland Public Schools District of Oregon, we have evidence that a dual language immersion classroom approach directly correlates with greater educational achievement.

Through a partnership with the,, and, Dr. Robert Slater (who lends his expertise to research projects at American Councils) and his colleagues followed dual language immersion students in Portland Public Schools for four years and compared their educational gains to those of their non-immersion peers. Arredocad Professionalism here. Funded by the at the, the findings from this study are critical to advancing our understanding of dual language programs and advocating for dual language efforts around the U.S. And, of course, to public schools across the country.

Why are the results of the study so critical for public schools across the U.S. Citizen Eco Drive Watch E650 Manual Meat. ? First, the RAND/American Councils study is the most rigorous and systematic research to-date examining the effects of dual language immersion on student achievement in reading, math, and science.

Its power derives from the study’s focus on 1,625 students, who were randomized to an immersion or a control group, and tracked from 2004–2011. Second, Portland is a great model, particularly for small- to medium-sized cities. Rufige Kru Malice In Wonderland Rarity. With a city population of about 600,000 — including several significant minority communities — the challenges that Portland Public Schools face are commonplace in many American school districts. According to Dr. Slater, a particular challenge for the state of Oregon — including Portland Public Schools — is that it ranks in the bottom tier of state graduation rates.