Download Scorm 2004 Package Handler

SCORM Content Packages A SCORM content package is a self-contained ZIP file containing certain contents defined by the SCORM standard. The file is known as a Package Interchange File (PIF) and it contains all files needed to deliver the content package via a SCORM run-time environment and/or learning management system (LMS). Mandatory Content Package contents: • XML manifest file (imsmanifest.xml) • All schema/definition (.xsd and.dtd) files referenced by the manifest file • All resource files used by the content package and its learning activities All the files that make up a content package must fit within the same directory tree structure within the PIF file. Your package may group everything into a single directory, or it may use sub-directories within the root (e.g. One directory for each SCO).

All files used by the content package must be within the content package. References to external files or absolute URLs are not allowed. The image shows an 'empty' content package as viewed in Trident's resource navigator. The content package is described as empty because it does not contain any content resources, such as SCOs or Assets. The files in addition to the imsmanifest. El Pelon Del Mikrophone Cd Rarates there. xml file are the schema/definition files for the manifest.

Moodle in English. I tried the SCORM package you posted too but it didn't work for me. These courses are SCORM 2004 compliant and not SCORM 1.2.