File Content When you see jumbled, random symbols on the page instead of the document content you expect, verify that you printed the file you intended to output from the proper application to handle its data type. If you accidentally print a graphic file from a text-processing application, for example, you'll see page after page of a mixture of letters, numbers, symbols and punctuation instead of intelligible output. Some applications happily open files they really can't interpret, and if you complete your printing task in a hurry, you may not notice what you printed from where. Font-File Corruption Corrupt or conflicting font files can play havoc with printed output. Whether your fonts include a file that's been corrupted in a power outage, you've accidentally loaded two versions of the same typeface -- both identifying themselves to your operating system under the same name -- or you're trying to use a freeware font file that's not well formed, you can see jumbled characters on your screen as well as on paper.

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Replacing the font software with a clean copy or a viable alternative should resolve your problem. Printer Driver The driver software that intercedes between your printer and your operating system makes it possible for the hardware to understand the data you send it and the OS to make the data available. If the driver becomes corrupt, or you install an incompatible or poorly designed update, you can see problems ranging from onscreen error messages to on-paper glitches. Check your printer manufacturer's website for a downloadable driver installer and look for an improvement in your printing process as a result.

I had the same problem. This is how I was able to solve it (at least at the time I needed it to work right). Hit PDF print button. Click 'Properties' 3.

Under Adobe PDF Settings, UNCHECK the box that says 'rely on system fonts only, do not use document fonts.' You want to use document fonts. Click 'ok' (returns you to main dialog page). Click 'ok' again (from the main printer diolog). It should print the doc now. If this happens again, repeat the steps. There is probably a way to default step 3 but have not looked at that yet.

How To Install Vlc On Windows Ce. The PDF is not the same as the document in its. When I print to Adobe PDF, strange symbols appear in the document. The PDF printer driver is a virtual.