
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition - ENU. The most popular version of this product among our users is 9.0. The name of the program executable.

Hi I'm trying to install Visual Studio 2008 SP 1, but as it seems, the requirements do not match with my machine configuration. 'A compatible version of Visual Studio 2008 was not detected on the system.

This update is designed for only the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (ENU) product family, and is not compatible with any Express editions.' Thank you Manuel for responding. The iso image did not work either and resulted in the same error message: Installation Requirements: A compatible version of Visual Studio 2008 was not detected on the system. This update is designed for only the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (ENU) product family, and is not compatible with any Express editions. Ik Multimedia Miroslav Philharmonik Mac Keygen Cs4. ' By the way, I am installing it in English and not German.

Do you know what is causing this and/or any other solutions I could try? What response did you get when you originally posted this issue (I do not understand the language it is written in)? Thanks again! I am not sure this will help you, but I'll mention two things: First, the TEMP folder problem: My TEMP directory [NOT the WINDOWS TEMP directory!, this is another one, (was full of all sorts of goop (2 gigs worth). It took some effort indeed to clean it out. For example, on my setup here, which is pretty boring, (but that's good in this case), I have: main + startup drive, e.g.,%SystemDrive% being 'C:' and%SystemRoot% being 'C: Windows', and my%USERNAME% being 'David', You'd want to look at: C: Documents and Settings David Local Settings Temp I had to use a combination of the command line (cmd) and Windows to get the trash in there deleted. Second, the fun Uninstaller thingo. If you use the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel, I found, by tripping over them, that several directories ( /bin /lib /include were -not- deleted.