Navionics Charts on compact flash cards come with dire warnings not to put the cards into readers and connect them to a pc. Has anyone tried it.and what happened?Were they rendered useless as Navionics suggest that they would be?.Just curious Only last week I was reading a posting on this very subject. As I use Navionics it was the reason which drew me to the post. Someone did exactly as you say & the outcome was again as you suggest. They became corrupt. At least that is what the article said and the poster was not impressed, but I guess its there way of protecting copyright.

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The cards can corrupt even while in the gps as mine did.It was working fine untill i noticed that while en route half of the chart was blanc.When i tried to forward it to the blanc area the whole screen went blanc.The point is that you're buying something or the right to use it and then because of limited life of storage means you get the wrong end of the stick.Shouldn't we at least have the right to bring it back to the dealer and they replace the chart at the cost of the storage means? Why pay again for the same right of use? Navionics Charts on compact flash cards come with dire warnings not to put the cards into readers and connect them to a pc. Has anyone tried it.and what happened?Were they rendered useless as Navionics suggest that they would be?.Just curious In order to prevent fraud, Navionics and Raymarine have developed a modified firmware in card readers to support and not allow (unauthorized) copies of the charts. As long a syou insert a card in a std reader, you'll able to 'see' the root directory and the mane of the file(s).

Code National Du Batiment Quebec Pdf To Word. If You go any further.well, they told You, didn't they? Only way to go is buying a Navionics card reader (hardwarewise a specular copy of a multistandard card reader BUT with a different firmware): in the price it is included a CD with a demo versiono of Raymarine's RAYNAV navigation software. Dont even bother trying it. Navionics encrypt their data. I suspect that they have also screwed with the hardware wiring and/or the format of their proprietary reader so that it would present a challenge to people trying to read their charts. You can use a standard CF card in a Raymarine device for transferring waypoints and application upgrades so there must be compatibility at the hardware layer. The trouble with pugging in to windows based machines is the hardware abstaction layer of the OS that attempts to go and do things to media automagically without the users intervention.

If I was trying to do this ( not that I ever would you understand ) I'd start investigating by copying a card with an embedded device that didn't go anywhere near any Windows or DOS functionality. Using a CF signal analyser might be a good step too.:):). In order to prevent fraud, Navionics and Raymarine have developed a modified firmware in card readers to support and not allow (unauthorized) copies of the charts. As long a syou insert a card in a std reader, you'll able to 'see' the root directory and the mane of the file(s). If You go any further.well, they told You, didn't they? Only way to go is buying a Navionics card reader (hardwarewise a specular copy of a multistandard card reader BUT with a different firmware): in the price it is included a CD with a demo versiono of Raymarine's RAYNAV navigation software. Okay I'm now very pleased that I didn't put my Navionics card into the reader on my laptop & whilst I understand why I'm not so pleased that I can't use the data I (well the previous owner) purchased with other packages (OpenCPN/SeaClearII).