Why not export figures from GIMP and insert them into your project in Inkscape? Then you can keep your vector graphics in Inkscape.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 2:22 PM Alex Vergara Gil wrote: Hello! Is there a way of importing ai files into gimp? I know i canuse them in inkscape but i need to insert some figures in my project, i need them to be very resolutive but converting them to png is not what i expect, results are a disaster. Regards Alex _______________________________________________ gimp-user-list mailing list List address: List membership: List archives.

Dear Liam Thats exactly my problem, fonts are not converted properly, even when the same font is installed in my system, it just puts the rendered text without transparency overlapping the enclosure, also enclosures are rendered wrongly (smaller than should be). It seems a conversion problem, but I know going from vector to bitmap is not straightforward. Thats the main reason why i wanted GIMP to handle vector layers, with a final preview and some control from users side about the final conversion.

Regards Alex 2015-12-03 0:53 GMT-05:00, Liam R. Quin: On Tue, 2015-12-01 at 15:21 -0500, Alex Vergara Gil wrote: Hello! Is there a way of importing ai files into gimp? I've used inkscape on the commandline (in Linux) to convert ai files to png in the past, and it's worked fairly well as long as I have the right fonts installed. How were you converting the files to PNG? What problems did you have?

Open Cdr Files In Gimp How To Make Background

Linux vs Windows. I have made an attempt to write this article without much tech- laden jargon, so for those of you are not very computer savvy, it will help you. Free PSD Files; Category2. Frequently asked questions - Inkscape Wiki. Other languages. What sets Inkscape apart is its use of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an open.

Can you share a sample file? (ignore if you've already solved it all!) Liam -- Liam R.

GIMP:: How To Create Vector Graphics - SWF Files Jul 20, 2012 I need.swf files. I found on the internet that it is possible, but no one seemed to be able to explain it in easy terms. Ali Unal Kuran Meali Pdf Free. The graphic in question is attached if you need it.