Star Conflict Patch Fr

Star Conflict developers have prepared a lot of Christmas surprises for you! Star Conflict is a free to play 3D spaceship combat MMO by Gaijin Entertainment. You’all must wait next patch. The Ruby Way 3rd Edition Ebook more. [FR] la bas dans les.

Imo twaekin the modules is not enough, yeah some like the Photon Emitter are broken. Nearly all.your actions by buffing other stuff nerfed ohter ship classes more (e.g. Elrf) then Destroyers. It is annoing how one Destroyer with Photon or a gyard with Anomaly Gberator can make a ELRF kinda useless.since you have to move all the time and you can never use tge Disintegrator, snce your Acceleration is not high escape a Anomaly Generator and it is very hard to notice a Photon Torp, normal Em Torps can be evaded easily sinve you.can HEAR them in time.

T5 Dreads Yay, but pointless. Too little, far far too late. Nobody plays dreads anymore. The game mode got solved without anything new being added since their release nearly a year ago, and the campfests of PvP did the same damage here.

Rewarding underhanded gameplay and making the game mode harder to access did this game mode in from the beginning, and the rest just made it happen faster. Even Jericho timezones are empty now. When was the last time you saw sov change? Where are the Acceleration Pads and War Rooms hinted at in the 1.1.3 release?

Where are the balance changes to Shield Emitter Catalyst, Weapon Booster? Where are the other ways to fight Torpedoes besides ELRF? This is just rubbing all of that in our faces. I'm disappointed in you StarGem. Adaptive Shield changes Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID. Unnecessary and a bad decision. Rather than make adaptives weaker, the game should incentivize players to use other modules by making them better.

Passive Recharge, Energy Restorer, when was the last time you saw anyone ever use these to any real effect?? Removal of Turn Keys Vodka help us all. Another knee-jerk reaction to a problem that needs a completely different solution than to remove player accessibility. Turn keys were huge for people who wanted to dogfight or even just fly with bad ping. Way to alienate your players. New Modules for Styx, Sword S, and Hyena At least they're for standard ships this time - and one is even for the Sword S, finally that ship sees some actual improvements to its complete lack of viability.

That's good, but if they require Yet Another Ship-Specific Component (TM), and aren't at the very least using Omni-Use Parts, I'm going to stay logged off. A very easy way to ruin an actually worthwhile addition to the game.