Alva Noto Ryuichi Sakamoto Raritan. ACTION BASED LEARNING. Stimulating Maturity through Accelerated Readiness Training. They have a 'smart kid' one way or another. Our program at Jackson.

ACTION BASED LEARNING Stimulating Maturity Through Accelerated Readiness Training Stimulating Maturity through Accelerated Readiness Training Kinesthetic Instructional Differentiation Strategies what a mouthful that can be. Of course every parent will make the claim that they have a 'smart kid' one way or another. Our program at Jackson Elementary School with the same name has been operational for the past year and a half.

After research, planning, visits with successful running sites in Pennsylvania, talks and email with the two pivotal players in this arena, Jean Blaydes Madigan (theory) and Cindy Hess (practical), we decided to approach our administration with the ideas that we had gathered. And now every morning from 8:10 – 8:40 each kindergarten student has the opportunity to participate in activities based on the current brain research that movement enhances learning. What exactly do they do? They spin, jump, roll, dance, walk, throw, catch, match, hop, crawl, slide, climb, slide, kick, balance, track, trace, count, pattern, and much more. Each activity is designed with three areas in mind: Vestibular system- inner ear responsible for balance Visual Pursuits – use of the three sets of eye muscles Bilateral movements – movements that cross the midline of the body and enhance brain function What are the benefits of this program?

Cosmoscape Sugizo Rarest here. Exercise triggers BDNF (brain derived neurotropic factor) enables one neuron to Communicate with another Cross lateral movements organizes brain functions Eye tracking exercises and peripheral vision development for reading skills Balance improves reading capacity Physical activity and proper diet improves behavior Play can increase attention Other points of interest about SMART KIDS may be the cross-curricular lessons that include literacy and math skill and can be adapted to social studies and science. Fun is our best by product of the program because it produces the desire for the children to come on a daily basis.

Welcome to Brain Gym International, a nonprofit 501(c)3 California corporation. Our Mission: Brain Gym速 International is committed to the principle that moving with intention leads to optimal learning.

Stimulating Maturity Through Accelerated Readiness Training Smart Program