Saw there was a complete Chinese patch for the game. Think it's possible if someone translate it from Chinese to English instead of Japanese? And no, I'm not doing anything. I'm just wondering. I mean yeah, it's possible, but there are probably fewer potential Chinese to English translators than Japanese to English translators in this scene. There's also the fact that you tend to lose a lot of the original nuance when you have a multiple-step translation, like jp->cn->en.

Edited May 11, 2017 by Decay.

Saw there was a complete Chinese patch for the game. Think it's possible if someone translate it from Chinese to English instead of Japanese? And no, I'm not doing anything. I'm just wondering.

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I mean yeah, it's possible, but there are probably fewer potential Chinese to English translators than Japanese to English translators in this scene. There's also the fact that you tend to lose a lot of the original nuance when you have a multiple-step translation, like jp->cn->en. Edited May 11, 2017 by Decay.

Monster Hunter Diary English Patch