Beginner’s Guide to Game Maker 4.3 Programming This is a tutorial in how to start programming using Game Maker 4.0. It is meant for beginners with little or no knowledge about computer programming languages. I used Game Maker 4.0 when writing this, but today (2002-08-15) the latest version of Game Maker is 4.2a. It ought to work just as well with that version. When version 4.3 of Game Maker was released, there were some changes to the program that required a new revision of this guide. This is that revision. Document written by Carl Gustafsson () Game Maker by Mark Overmars This document is also available in online HTML format at:, thanks to Martijn.

Game Maker 8 Enemy Aircrat

Document date: 2002-03-05 Revision 1 date: 2002-08-15 Revision 2 date: 2002-12-17. 1 Contents....... 2 2 Introduction...... 3 2.1 Acknowledgements... 3 2.2 Game Maker information..

3 2.3 Purpose of this document.. 3 2.4 Other references.... 3 2.5 About Cut-and-paste... 3 2.6 Finished file...... 4 2.7 Well?.......

I'm making a gamemaker game with gml. In this game I have multiple enemies (same object) on screen at the same time. I want them to all spawn a bullet at their location. Game Maker 8 Tutorial Platformer - Enemy AI. Game Maker 8 [Beginner] - Enemy Health, Character Movement. Side-Scroller RPG Base Tutorial Part 1/2Zei33.

Is it possible to make an enemy AI that hunts the player, and goes around any obstacles, in the free version of Game Maker Studio? Or do I have. Game Maker 8 Enemy Ai Overhaul. Mario Maker’s last content update dropped over a year ago, but hardcore fans aren’t ready to let go yet.

4 3 Creating a game..... 5 3.1 Some sprites...... 5 3.2 Create Objectss..... 6 3.3 Room for improvement... 6 3.4 Save, save, save!.... 7 3.5 Action....... 7 3.6 Refining the actions...

8 4 The coding begins..... 10 4.1 First variable..... 10 4.2 First function..... 12 4.3 More variables.... 13 4.4 First script...... 13 4.5 Getting rid of the event 14 4.6 Bullet loading time...

15 5 Enemies sighted!..... 20 5.1 Enemy aircraft....

20 5.2 Randomizing..... That hurt!.... 23 5.4 Shootout...... 25 5.5 Pyrotechnics..... 26 6 Enhancing the game.... 29 6.1 Centered sprites.... 29 6.2 Smoother enemy appearance.

30 6.3 Going global..... 31 6.4 Where’s my energy?... 33 7 Life, the Universe and Everything.

36 7.1 A galaxy far, far away.. 36 7.2 Cool word: Parallax... 37 7.3 Enemy fire...... 38 7.4 Meaning of life.....

40 7.5 Scoring....... 43 8 Final words...... 44 8.1 End of this guide....

44 8.2 Communication.... 44 8.3 Useless statistics.... 44 8.4 Bye........

I'm making a gamemaker game with gml. In this game I have multiple enemies (same object) on screen at the same time. I want them to all spawn a bullet at their location. But instead each enemy spawns a bullet at one single enemy. They all shoot but the bullets appear in the wrong location. I want the bullet to spawn at the location of the instance is was called for.

How do I do this? Codex Tyranids 2nd Edition Scribd here. Thank you for reading my question. Code: obj_carrier is the enemy I want to spawn from.

Obj_carrier_bullet is the bullet I want to spawn at location of the carrier There are multiple carriers around the stage. In the step event of the carrier following an if statement: instance_create(obj_carrier.x, obj_carrier.y, obj_carrier_bullet).