Symantec Endpoint Protection Release Update 6 Maintenance Patch 1

Symantec Endpoint Protection. Version 14 is the only currently-supported release. Endpoint Protection regularly. An update to Endpoint Protection caused.

UPDATE - 6/15/2011 Added support for Release Update 6 Maintenance Patch 2 Point Patch 1 (RU6 MP2 PP1). Fixed a defect in the username field that was hard-coded to look for a specific domain (left over code from testing).

This release will be the last to include any feature updates. Any updates going forward will only include fixes for reported defects. * The website formatting of this particular article is a little unyielding. Benefits Of Two Way Immersion Programs here. Please review the guide attached to this article for a version easier on the eyes. Rct3 California Screamin Download Music. PREFACE The purpose of this guide is to explain what the SEPM Status Utility is and how it works.

I have tested this utility in an environment consisting of 54 SEPM's, 17 database servers and 17 SEP sites. While I am confident this utility will work well in environments its targeted towards, I must add a caveat that every environment is different and you may encounter errors. AUDIENCE Information Technology personnel responsible for the support of a two (2) or more SEP Site environment where replication is in use. The utility is not targeted to single SEP Site or embedded database environments. ASSUMPTIONS 1. MS SQL is being used for the SEPM database.

The embedded database is not supported by this utility. There is one (1) password used for all of the SQL user accounts. If there is a different password for each account, the utility will fail to run properly. PREREQUISITES 1. The Admin must know, or be able to obtain, the following information. The drive letter the database resides on. The Admin must have an account with administrator privileges on the SEPM and Database servers.

DEFINITIONS SEP – Symantec Endpoint Protection SEPM – Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager IIS – Internet Information Server MS SQL – Microsoft Structured Query Language ABOUT The utility will perform a basic, point-in-time, status check on the SEPM and DB servers to allow the Admin to determine if there are any issues that require attention. The intention of the utility is not to replace any real-time monitoring currently being performed by other applications, but to enhance them. Most monitoring applications look at server health and not application health. That is where this utility can help fill the gap. By querying the SEPM databases, the utility reports on several metrics that would otherwise not be available using a traditional monitoring application. In addition to SEP Site information, the utility also collects data on the SEPM servers themselves. Refer to the What is Reported section for additional information.