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I don’t think it is worthed to reproduce the jig, you still need to use leaked signed selfs that can (and will) be revoked the first chance sony gets, not to mention besides the obvious dongle id revocation, they can also update any part of the SPM (that includes the update manager) and change the whole jig authentication process. This makes such a hack a lot less appealing, that’s my personal opinion though. Sony should have done the whole challenge/response inside an isolated module though and kept the “master key” in there as well. @math don’t rise to this GeoMathLoveChild clown he’s either trying to throw a spanner in the works or so stupid he cant see 2 heads are better than 1! @GeoMathLoveChild: chillax!

What did math steal from you? If Mathieulh can input something valuable then why the hell not! If you’re worried about scene stealing we all know graf has done this amazing work and when it comes to him releasing his findings it will be him that will give credit if any credit is due!

Anyway i’m sure math like all of us is just inquisitive! @graf: amazing work so far we’re all looking forward to seeing what you can do with all these findings!

Any hints to what is possible with all this newfound info? Hello,Nice Step further! Actually Using HV can giv really good results As you saw i got 3.21 CFW with OtherOS enabled,i just simply repacked PUP i got Master key and SHA1 key,actually To Repack it,you need Master key,Just edit CORE_OS_PACKAGE,ive done a lot,i got DEBUG Firmware on Retail PS3 by Simply creating Gybrid PUP By Adding files from DEBUG PUP to Retail PUP,I canceled Scene becouse i failed with HV,i started to work with PSJailbreak with Math and some others,as you can see Math Released PsGroove,Becouse Math and Me Created it! So now we Created PSDowngrade,again Math and me behind that so,That’s Why you comments by math like: Oww i know how it workes but i wont tellyou anything and e.t.c. Keep a good work!This is really hack(maybe),PSJailbreak is Just a copy of JIG its not even exploit,thats why i love ur work! I promised to you guys that i will make my HV findings public. I just moved my “Hypervisor Reverse Engineering Page” from private section of ps3wiki to the public one.

The page contains highly technical information and not all of you will understand it but i hope it will help us to reverse Hypervisor faster. It doesn’t contain all the knowledge about PS3 hypervisor i gained through reversing, in truth, it’s just a small piece of it, but i don’t have time to write everything i know down. I will update this page regularly And i will also upload my PSGroove payload source code soon. And then you will be able to decrypt packages from PUP files by yourself, dump your FLASH memory, dump your LV2 kernel, run isolated SPU’s on GameOS and other cool things So use this knowledge and code to help the PS3 developer community to reverse PS3 Hypervisor and GameOS. @GeoMathLoveChild The world works this way, the one to bring out the information to the wide public is the one getting credited for the work.

At the behest of Sony, German police have raided the home of Linux developer graf_chokolo, a prominent member of the PS3 scene. Originally Posted by graf_chokolo - February 23, 2011 at 11:52 am Guys, SONY was today at my home with police and got all my stuff and accounts. So be careful from now on.

There are a lot of things in the world that progressed further than the general public knows. We all think we live in the present, but most “consumer-tech” we use is old technology compared to whats going on in research labs all over the world, and so on. Evaluating And Selecting Efl Teaching Materials Pdf To Jpg. I’m not defending Math, I figured long time ago he was the Sony world’s answer to “DVD-Jon”. I just don’t see why graf can’t be credited for the discoveries he did on his own, regardless he’s the first to do it or not. @X-Copy_III Donations? I don’t know. But if someone has old fat PS3 with HV 3.15 or older then it will help me immensely and i will buy it of course I think you all will benefit from it when i finylly get my hands on HV I have got a lot of knoweledge about HV but unfortunately no exploited HV to test my knowledge It can be a PS3 with broken BD drive, it doesn’t matter, i don’t payl games with PS3 or use PSN, my PS3 slim was actually never connected to PSN And i didn’t even play once games with it Who cares about games, me and HV are best friends and we have a lot of fun together. Free Plugin Pro Tools 8 Le.

You should open a paypal to get the donations, I will be first to donate; there are ps3 with and without broken BD unit on ebay and others, I think you would get one easily and in not too much time Also, I’ve reading ps3wiki and I can just say: wow! ( even if theres a lot of things I don’t even know what they are yet not to say understand 😀 ) but seems there are lots of thing you just mentioned but not elaborated because you simply have no time Congratulations; exciting times for the scene. You should open a paypal to get the donations, I will be first to donate; there are ps3 with and without broken BD unit on ebay and others, I think you would get one easily and in not too much time Also, I’ve reading ps3wiki and I can just say: wow!